My 5 tips for the perfect grilled steak #shorts

My 5 tips for the perfect grilled steak #shorts

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Publish Date:
2 June, 2024
Baking Tips
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My 5 tips for grilling the perfect steak.

1. Allow the steak to come up to room temperature before cooking. This will help it cook more evenly.

2. Pat dry the outside to help with maximum crust formation. If your steak is wet, it will steam and won’t sear properly.

3. Grill over high, direct heat (450-500 degrees) and flip every minute or so. This will also help the steak cook evenly.

4. Pull the steak from the grill 10 degrees shy of the desired temperature. It will continue to cook after it’s removed from the grill and this way it won’t overcook.

5. Probably the most important tip, LET IT REST. This stops the cooking process, relaxes the muscle fibers and reabsorbs some of the juice.

A steak cooked over charcoal is definitely my favorite 👍🏻

#grillinwithdad #steaktips #howtogrill #steaknight #steak